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David was a patient man. He was also a God-fearing man. It takes the fear of God to demonstrate the type of patience he exhibited.

He was anointed to be king and he knew it. The youngest among eight children. Destiny had smiled on him but the road to the throne was not going to be as ‘easy’ as his selection.

Not long after his anointing by a prophet of no mean stature, Samuel, he had his first taste of leadership. He led the nation to victory in the battle against the Philistines by defeating their champion, Goliath the giant who intimidated Israel for about a month. Was Saul going to vacate the throne for him after that? No way! In fact it was the beginning of the test of his patience – a virtue only a few possess today.

After a stint of dedicated service to the king in the same palace where he was destined to rule, he became a fugitive, running for his dear life. At this point, you might want to ask what happened to the anointing. Was it genuine? Why couldn’t he use it then to claim the throne? The anointing was real and from God but it was post-dated! He had to wait for the appointed time, which he did not know.

Have you ever felt like you have been waiting indefinitely for a particular promise? David must have felt that way especially when you don’t know when it is all going to end.

Frustrating as it may have been, David had to wait and he waited patiently. Impatient men take laws into their hands and do things their own way but David was a patient man, a godly man, a God-fearing man. He had several opportunities to kill the king and step in but he decided that if God authored it, He should finish it! Many have killed the ‘Sauls’ in their lives and got into trouble with God but David was not ready to kill the Lord’s anointed. His faith in God was strong. Saul’s cup eventually became full and he died in battle along with his son. David mourned for them genuinely. What a great man!

He did not scheme, bribe, or fight to get to the throne. Don’t cut corners. Wait patiently for your husband, wife, children, breakthrough, whatever it is you are believing God for.

God has been preserving you for your destiny. He will not fail you. Just one more step, you will be on the throne! Your crown is waiting!! DON’T GIVE UP; DON’T QUIT!!