1. Thank you Father for everything you have invested in my life to make me fruitful, prosperous and successful.
2. O Lord, heal our land of spiritual blindness and release every soul held in satanic captivity, in Jesus name.
3. O Lord of mercy and grace, save every soul in my family, neighbourhood, office and community, in the name of Jesus.
4. O Lord, anoint me and use me to bring in hundreds of souls into this church and the Kingdom of God, in Jesus name.
5. Make me a worthy labourer that will bring in a large harvest of souls into the church from now on, in the name of Jesus.
6. My Father my Father, make my heart tender and obedient to your command to make disciples of nations, in Jesus name.
7. O Lord my Deliverer; deliver me from the hands of my haters, in the name of Jesus!
8. My Saviour and my Lord, make me fruitful in every area of life!
9. Dear Lord, visit me this week with turn-around blessings, in Jesus name!

Prayer For Fruitfulness