Please read 1Peter 3:1-11 (AMP)

Here they are:
1. Honour God. To honour God means to honour His Word in your life. Everything falls in place for the couple that fear God and keep his commands. Psalm 128:1-6

2. Unity Of Spirit. The only way to achieve unity of spirit is for both of you to believe the word of God. We are truly one when we believe the same fundamental truths.

3. Submission. Adapt yourself to your husband and regard him as the head or leader of this team. Follow his guidance and acknowledge his headship. It not advisable to marry someone you cannot respect or submit to; someone you feel is not strong enough to lead you.

4. Respect, Defer To, Revere Him–to honor, esteem, appreciate, prize, and, in the human sense, to adore him, that is, to admire, praise, be devoted to, deeply love, and enjoy your husband]. Men on the other hand, need unconditional respect. 75% of men would rather feel unloved than to be disrespected. He must be made to feel strong, competent and in charge. A wonderful woman makes her husband feel bigger than he is. Treat a man with respect before he earns it. That unlocks his potential. God called Abram Abraham even before he had a child. Gideon who was hiding from the Philistines was referred to as a ‘mighty man of valour’. You can unlock the potential in a man by treating him with unconditional respect. Some women create the man they don’t want by not treating them with respect when they say things like ‘you are a loser’; ‘do you call yourself a man?’ Every man had someone who believed in them before they became something. Women try to change a man by pointing out their faults. Instead, point out their destiny. Believe and respect him by faith.

5. Mutual Love And Tender Heartedness. Husband, Love Your Wife. For a woman, to be loved is to be chosen. You chose her from a thousand possibilities. Continue to choose her. A man will love a woman who respects him and a woman will respect a man who loves her.

6. Inner Beauty And Piety. Charm of a gentle and peaceful spirit. Focus should not be on external looks only. There are some who are beautiful on the outside but rotten on the inside.

7. Gentleness. Husbands are to be considerate and compassionate. Simply put, be a gentleman. Gentlemen don’t beat their wives.

8. Understanding Of Each Other. Understand your wife so you can live with her peacefully. Adapt to her as well. Know the difference. Women tend to find their identity in close relationships, while men gain their identity through vocations.

9. Courtesy.

10. Humility.

11. Peaceful Resolution Of Disputes (1Pe 3:9). There will be disagreements but they must be resolved peacefully by submitting to the authority of the word of God.

12. Pray With And For One Another. “[praying for their welfare, happiness, and protection, and truly pitying and loving them].”

13. Proper And Decent Communication (1Pe 3:10). Silence is not a good way to communicate your feelings. Tears are manipulative. Simply talk! Communicate truthfully, openly and deeply. Avoid arguments.

14. The Pursuit Of Peace And Harmony (1Pe 3:11).

15. Quality Time In Raising Your Children. Share the responsibility.

16. Proper Management Of Your Finances.